When was the last time you used calculus? Unless you’re an engineer or scientist I would be willing to bet it was that awful class in 12th grade. Imagine if your parents could have opted you out of that. What if they could have just signed a sheet of paper and excused you from that unit of math? Well, as terrible as calculus is, it’s still important. Maybe you don’t use it every day, but it’s useful at times and sex education is the same way. Even if you don’t plan to be sexually active, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t learn about sex, anatomy, contraceptives, and the other topics that make up sex education. Sex education is just as important as calculus, so why can we opt out of one but not the other? Knowledge is for everyone, and sex education shouldn’t be limited to certain people because of their parents’ views. Access to comprehensive, medically accurate sex education is a human right. Sex is a fundamental part of being human; but less than half of our states require sex and HIV education, and most of what is taught is sub-par. Just because we refuse to talk about sex doesn’t mean it’s just going to go away.
Sex is an integral and natural part of our life. and it happens with or without sex education. 71% of Indians 19-year-olds have had intercourse. 99% of Indians will have sex in their lifetime. It is not compulsory for one to first attain sex education and only after that he/she would be allowed to have sex. Having procured sex education is not a certificate for indulging into a sexual act with your partner. However, if one knows the basic knowledge about sex which can be learned with proper education at school or college level. One would be taking part in the physical intimacy in a healthy manner. Which would restrict down the problem of unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, etc.
Sex education is a way broader program which could not be provided to the college people with one or two classroom lectures. It would be better if the authorities take some measure to incorporate the topic in the subjects which adolescents take up in their college days. Let’s recall 12th grade math class just once more. Everything you learned was factual information. But what if that wasn’t the case? What if your teacher wasn’t obligated to teach accurate information? Sadly, this is the case for sex education in India.
The sexual health of a person is very crucial as it directly impacts the emotional, social, and psychological state of mind of a person. In a study conducted recently, it was found that apart from the college-going teenagers, the growing adults between the ages of 22 to 26 also lacks some important insights on sex and relationships. Sex education is important. It’s been proven time and time again. We know students who receive formal sex education in schools are shown to first have sexual intercourse later than students who have not had sex education. Sex education does not encourage teenagers to have sex, it does quite the opposite.
Furthermore, in a country like India, social stigma still exists and will continue to prevail in the surrounding until many decades to come. Many parents don’t want their children to study a subject that revolves around sex. They feel their children would be diverted from their mainstream studies for pursuing with they have enrolled in the college. On the other hand, there also are parents who want their children to receive an education. Such parents probably are more aware and know the power of the right education at the right time.
It is no secret that people have received intense knowledge about what Kamasutra preaches are more conscious while into the act. They know what steps to be taken and what to be strictly avoided. They know various guidelines that need to be acknowledged before starting having physical interaction with their respective partners. The importance of sex education in the present-day scenarios cannot be ignored as it holds an important place in making the future of the country safe and secure.
It can be agreed that sex is something which is not enjoyed is no sex. Even the thought of having established physical intimacy with your partner blackouts the entire world in seconds—you, your partner and a different world altogether. However, if looking on to this matter practically, this is not the way how it should be. Getting excited is fine but losing self-control on what is right, and what is wrong can be devastating for both of the partners.
The act itself is beautiful but its adverse outcomes are way more catastrophic than hell. Even if there is nor the provision of teaching the young citizens of the country on such a versatile yet sensitive topic. We should try seeking sex education on our level which would be enticingly attractive to get something new our hands-on. Every teenager should have sex education incorporated into their schooling. It shouldn’t be opt-in or opt-out but mandatory. Why should parents be able to opt their children in or out of a subject that they’ll need later in life, one way or another? Sex education should be mandatory, comprehensive, medically accurate, and taught throughout student’s school years, just like math. It’s been shown to help students, not hurt. Not only is having access to sex education that is not only comprehensive but medically accurate a human right; it’s our fundamental duty as a society to educate the next generation. Currently, we are failing. Consult with an experienced sexologist in India. Call on 9004393978 or fill in the below form to book an appointment with our specialists.