Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Mumbai, India – शीध्रपतन
Premature ejaculation (PE) means ‘coming too quickly’ is also known as early discharge or quick discharge, early fall, Shighra-patan, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, or early ejaculation) affects 25%-40% of the men.
The occurrence of ejaculation before the consent of both sexual partners is another definition of premature ejaculation.
One of the most common sexual problems in men is premature ejaculation, which is defined as the sudden ejaculation of semen during intercourse, either before or right after vaginal penetration (before one wishes or before he could fulfill the female partner).
It is the major sexual problems that male always face. Recently, a survey done of several thousand males, shows that 50 per cent of them ‘often’ or ‘sometimes’ had this trouble. It’s commoner in younger men. As men age, their control tends to improve due to sense of sexual maturity.
However, various surveys showed that many middle-aged men still have this problem.
This problem makes people unhappy and frustrated and in severe cases PE can threaten or even ruin a marriage – simply because it spoils the sex lives of both partners. Sometimes, the condition is so bad that the man cannot even manage to have intercourse because he invariably ejaculates before he can get into the vagina.
This can be demotivating for a man’s self-confidence. And it can be hugely frustrating and annoying for his partner, too especially if she wants to get pregnant. One of the major contributor towards this problem is wrong or mis-adventurous sex practices during early days.
Anxiety too plays a part in many cases of PE. If you’re nervous, you’re likely to come too quickly. That’s why many males have discovered for themselves that a small amount of alcohol eases their nerves and makes them less likely to climax prematurely. But alcohol is not recommend as a treatment !
An estimated 30%-70% of males experience premature ejaculation. The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) indicates Dr. Kumar’s edit PE 2 approximately 10% to 30% people of all age group suffer with quick semen discharge. However, a number of surveys have revealed that many men do not inform their doctor about premature ejaculation, either due to embarrassment or a belief that there is no cure for the issue.
Premature ejaculation may alter self-esteem, may cause marital dysfunction/divorce, and may be a factor in depression, with its obvious consequences.
This is a very frustrating disorders of male sexual function in which man feels totally helpless. This leads to bitterness in husbands & wife relationships. His pleasure is often decreased by the abrupt early discharge. Consult the best ayurvedic sexologist in India. When a man is, ejaculating fast, the woman will probably be left unsatisfied. Her frustration will only increase the negative pattern.
As he concentrates on controlling his ejaculation, this concentration may begin to get in the way of maintaining the erection. This then can bring about the loss of erection. After some time this may even completely inhibit the erection from occurring. Often a problem that might begin with premature ejaculation gets joined to a problem of impotence, and then both issue have to be dealt with.
After a time the couple will begin to withdraw from each other, not wanting to enter an experience that is going to end up frustrating them. The man doubts his masculinity, and the wife later experiences a lessening of confidence in her, along with anger toward her partner.
To clarify, a male may reach climax after 8 / 10 minutes of sexual intercourse, but this is not premature ejaculation if his partner regularly climaxes in 5 minutes and both are satisfied with the timing. Another man might wait no more than fifteen minutes before ejaculating, but he could think this is too long if his partner needs twenty minutes of stimulation, even with foreplay, to attain climax.
The male reproductive tract, which includes the penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles, and appendages, as well as the parts of the central and peripheral nerve systems that regulate it, are the organ systems that are directly impacted by premature ejaculation.
If premature ejaculation occurs so early that it happens before commencement of sexual intercourse and the couple is attempting pregnancy, then pregnancy is impossible to achieve unless artificial insemination is used. A male’s genes are more likely to be passed on to subsequent generations if he ejaculates frequently, but not so frequently that it happens before intromission.
Premature ejaculation is of two types:
Primary premature ejaculation :- Individuals who have experienced primary premature ejaculation since they were able to function sexually are affected.
Secondary premature ejaculation:- It indicates that the problem started in a person who had previously had a satisfactory degree of control over his ejaculation and who later had premature ejaculation for unidentified reasons.
Treatment for both disorders may be necessary if the patient has erectile dysfunction that started after the early ejaculation. If you want to treat your premature ejaculation via the best premature ejaculation treatment in India, then Kayakalp international clinics in Mumbai; India is the right place for you.
Any type of performance anxiety is often a major contributing factor to early ejaculation. A number of things can lead to performance pressure, or the worry of not meeting the partner’s expectations. One frequent precipitating event is ED. Premature ejaculation may occur if the guy is frightened that his erection won’t continue due to real-life experiences of ED or imagined erection failure. The terms “Honey, you excited me so much I just could not hold back” may have been used by the patient.
Science of mechanism of ejaculation:
Emission and expulsion are two successive actions necessary for the physical process of ejaculation.
The first phase is called the emission phase. Seminal fluid is deposited into the posterior urethra from the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and ampullary vas deferens. The expulsion phase is the second stage. Closing the neck of the bladder is followed by periodic relaxation of the external urethral sphincters and rhythmic contractions of the urethra by the pelvic-perineal and bulbospongiosus muscles.
The emission phase of the ejaculation reflex is controlled by sympathetic motor neurons, while the expulsion phase is carried out by somatic and autonomic motor neurons. The lumbosacral and thoracolumbar regions of the spinal cord contain these motor neurons.
Causes of Premature Ejaculation:
Premature ejaculation may be caused by psychological or physical factors. This problem can occasionally arise in men who are depressed. The first step in preventing premature ejaculation is figuring out why it is occurring.
Premature ejaculation thus pulls a guy away from the freedom and naturalness of letting the response happen on its own by making him increasingly fixated on his own sexual response pattern. His focus on managing his ejaculation may start to interfere with his ability to keep the erection going. The loss of an erection may result from this. This may eventually even totally prevent the erection from happening. Frequently, an issue that may start with early ejaculation becomes linked to an impotence problem, and both issues must then be addressed.
The couple will eventually start to distance themselves from one another since they don’t want to engage in an activity that will make them unhappy. The wife later feels less confident in herself and becomes angry with her partner as a result of the man’s misgivings about his man hood. Consult the best sex doctor in Mumbai; India.
Possible psychological and environmental factors:
There are various reasons which caused Premature ejaculation.
A comprehensive physical examination and a detailed history are used to diagnose these causes.
- In addition to a general medical history, the history should include details about prior relationships in which premature ejaculation was not a problem.
- Was premature ejaculation always a problem or did it start after an initial time frame when coitus was satisfactory to both partners?
- Does he have an impotency problem? Did his erectile dysfunction (ED) start before or after the early ejaculation?
- Is the patient experiencing premature ejaculation with self-stimulation or just with coitus?
- What is the time required for the female partner to reach climax? Does she need oral or manual direct clitoral stimulation to reach climax, or can she climax with sexual activity?
- Hormone disorder.
- Urogenital Infections.
- Neurogenic causes.
- Increased penile sensitivity to touch.
- Sex Centre disorder i.e. hyper excitability of sex centre.
- Psychogenic i.e. psychiatric illness.
We will go into more detail about that in the following section:
- Hormone disorder:
Recent research has shown that several hormone disorders directly contribute to early ejaculation. Furthermore, other sexual dysfunctions brought on by hormone disorders may indirectly result in early discharge. For your ejaculation to be normally controlled, the balance in hormones are essential. The ejaculatory reflex is believed to be influenced by testosterone. It has been shown that males who ejaculate too soon have higher amounts of testosterone (both free and total) than men who do not. It has been demonstrated that low serum prolactin levels are common in males who ejaculate too soon.
- Urogenital Infections:
Any infection of the seminal vesicle, prostate, urethra, orchitis, epididimo-orchitis, etc. causes the sacro-coccigeal nerves, which control the operation of all these sex organs, to become irritable. The threshold for ejaculation is lowered as a result of this irritation. Therefore, one of the major causes of early orgasm is infections.
- Neurogenic causes:
Semen will release very quickly from any nervous system illness that affects the brain’s sex center, such as multiple sclerosis, hyperexcitable focus, or any organic lesion—premature ejaculation results from any injury to the spinal cord’s conus medullaris.
- Increased penile sensitivity to touch:
When sexually excited, the penile skin is extremely erogenous due to an overabundance of certain neurotransmitters, which causes the excitement and climax to occur quickly. Numerous investigations have revealed that the bulbo-cvernous reflex is overactive.
- Sex Centre disorder:
For a variety of reasons, there are some situations where the brain’s sex center becomes extremely excitable, causing the orgasmic threshold to peak very quickly. The sex center is a brain region located in the forebrain’s hippocampus. It regulates the duration of ejaculatory discharge during sexual activity or orgasm.
The orgasmic threshold is reached within seconds of sexual contact or even before coitus in early orgasm disorders because the sex center is highly sensitive to sexual stimulation and reaches its peak of excitation a few moments after entry into the vagina.
In addition, the sex center regulates erection and desire, the other components of the sex cycle. In addition to ejaculating too soon, the patient may experience erectile problems or poor desire.
- Psychogenic:
Psychological factors commonly contribute to premature ejaculation. Although men occasionally undervalue the connection between emotional health and sexual performance, a history of sexual repression, temporary depression, financial stress, unrealistic performance expectations, or a general lack of confidence can all contribute to premature ejaculation. Additionally, several mental illnesses, including anxiety, anxiety, neurosis, schizophrenia, and performance anxiety, can cause early climax.
- One of the major causes of early semen fall has been identified as a neurotransmitter deficiency, including serotonin and others.
Alpha-glucosidase and acid phosphatase levels were considerably lower in the semen of men who ejaculated prematurely than in the semen of controls, according to research published in an andrology journal. These researchers came to the conclusion that these might be indicative of epididymis and prostate dysfunction, which could lead to premature ejaculation.
- According to Dr. A. Kumar – Who is the main management of Kayakalp International Sex & Health Clinic, Mumbai, India —
In my 23 years of experience, I have discovered that males with lower sperm counts in their semen (such as those with oligospernia and azoospermia) experience early ejaculation. Many doctors in India treat premature ejaculation, but Kayakalp Internationals Clinics in Mumbai, India, which has the country’s top ayurvedic sexologist, is the finest place to get it done.
Diagnosis of Cause:
We take detail history:
- Detailed general & systemic examination.
- Investigation & Diagnostic tests.
- Complete Male Hormone Profile tests.
- Biochemistry tests.
- Urine is tested for pus cells.
- Scrotum, epididydmus, prostate is examined for infection.
- Semen is examined for pus & semen culture sensitivity.
- Ultrasonography of scrotum & prostate may be required.
According to Ayurveda, this state is known as Shukra Avrita Vata or vata-vitiated sperm. Shukra ativega (early/quick ejaculation), shukraavega (poor ejaculation), and nishphalatvam (inability to impregnate) are the patient’s initial symptoms. Shukra ativega is a subtype that shares symptoms with premature ejaculation (PE).
In Ayurveda, ejaculation is caused by eight variables. Saratwat (fluidity of semen), paicchilya (sliminess of semen), gaurava (heaviness of semen), anutva (atomicity of semen), tarsha (strong desire for sex), pravanabhava (tendency to flow out), drutatvatmarutasya (due to vata), and harsha (excitation, sexual fantasy) are some of them. When one or more of these eight components malfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction results, with “drutatvatmarutasya” being the most significant. Volata dosha governs the physiology of ejaculation. PE develops when vata, particularly apanavata, is vitiated. Prior researchers likened PE to a disease known as “shukragatavata” in Ayurveda.
To treat premature ejaculation, the physician may only describe its causes, reassure the individual or couple that it is a typical aspect of the male sexual response and offer strategies that could help the guy learn to postpone ejaculation. You can consult with India’s sexologist, or even you can opt for Premature Ejaculation Treatment In India.
Such techniques (Sex Therapy) may include :
- The “stop and start” method:
This entails sexual stimulation that is halted for around thirty seconds before it may be resumed once the male realizes he is going to ejaculate. The final time, the stimulation is allowed to continue till ejaculation is achieved. The sequence is continued until ejaculation is desired.
- The Squeeze method by Masters & Johnson
The man or his partner gently squeezes the end of the penis (where the glans meet the shaft) for a few seconds while halting additional sexual stimulation for roughly 30 seconds. This is done until the man realizes he is ready to ejaculate, at which point the stimulation is resumed. Until ejaculation is desired, the individual or couple may repeat the procedure, allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation happens.
One of the main objectives for every man who experiences premature ejaculation is to stop it. There is a lot of advice available on how to stop it, and it can be one of the most embarrassing and annoying sexual issues a man can face. When men are struggling with this problem, they will probably do anything to stop it. Men can use a variety of strategies to prevent early ejaculation, including medication, counseling, and particular bedtime habits. However, it’s best to try a lot of various things.
Sexual therapy is perhaps the most effective way to halt premature ejaculation. However, there are thousands of other suggestions. For some guys, using medicine is the most effective method of preventing early ejaculation.
- Kegel exercise:
A pelvic floor exercise, also known as a Kegel exercise, was first described in 1948 by Dr. Arnold Kegel. It involves continuously tightening and relaxing the muscles that make up the pelvic floor. Exercise is typically performed to raise the size and force of erections as well as to decrease men’s premature ejaculatory episodes.
Kegel exercises increase muscle tone by fortifying the pelvic floor’s pubococcygeus (PC) muscles.
Men who perform Kegel exercises can improve their ejaculation control, maintain healthy hips, and get stronger erections.
PC muscles regulate the force of ejaculation, the rigidity of your penis during erection and the flow of semen and urine. One advantage of Kegel exercises for men is that they may be performed anywhere, at any time, and no one will notice a difference.
Your ability to better regulate your ejaculations and orgasms will improve the quality and duration of your sex.
- Delay Creams And Gels:
Topical creams, gels, and other ointments are among the most widely used treatments for preventing premature ejaculation. Some men assert that these products are the best way to prevent premature ejaculation. These products typically numb a man’s penis, making it less sensitive and extending sexual sessions. Other men, however, are not very successful with them. As was previously noted, each person has a distinct method for preventing premature ejaculation; experimenting with various lotions and gels is only one way to try to find a solution for this unpleasant issue.
- To keep from getting overly excited too quickly, some guys try to divert their attention by thinking about non-sexual things (such as names of baseball players and records).
SS cream (an acronym for Super Secret, which consists of nine mostly herbal substances) has been demonstrated to desensitize the penis, lower the vibratory threshold, and allow men who ejaculate too soon to noticeably postpone their ejaculatory reaction in Korea and other Far Eastern countries.
SS Cream has yet to receive FDA approval in the United States.
- Using of Condoms:
Due to the condom’s ability to lessen touch sensation, using one or two during sexual activity also prolongs the time it takes to ejaculate. Young males are advised by some therapists to masturbate (or have their partner fast excite them to climax) one to two hours before the intended sexual encounter.
- Oral Medicines:
After determining the reason behind the early ejaculation, sex therapy is provided in conjunction with a variety of medications to address sex centers and other problems.
a) When a hormone problem is discovered, hormone tablets are administered.
b) Drugs to treat urogenital infections once the cause has been identified.
c) In recent years, Doctors are trying to treat premature ejaculation with antidepressant drugs. The reason for this may sound a little strange, but it’s because some antidepressants have a well-known adverse effect of delaying male climax. That adverse effect is undesirable for the majority of guys.But for guys with premature ejaculation, it’s quite desirable.
- Surgical Care:
No recommended surgical treatment exists for premature ejaculation. If you need any further help, feel free to consult Kayakalp, the best Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Mumbai.
Shukra, or the reproductive system or semen, is considered the highest body tissue in Ayurveda due to its capacity for regeneration. The branch of Ayurveda known as Vajikarana treats a variety of medical, psychological, and sexual issues, including libido, impotence, early ejaculation, and weak erection in men, as well as sterility and coldness in women. Along with enhancing a person’s capacity for reproduction, vajikarana medications are beneficial in giving them strength and vitality.
Shukragatavata can be effectively managed with the use of vajikaranavasti (a variety of enemas with medicated oils & decoctions), balya (tonics), shukrakara medicines (aphrodisiacs), and praharsha anna (exhilarating food items).
I suggest some Ayurvedic medicines.
Take Ashwagandha churan half a teaspoon in the morning & at night.
Take two SHILAJIT capsules: one in the morning and one at night.
One tablet of Manmath Ras should be taken in the morning and another at night.
One Pushp Dhanva Ras tablet should be taken in the morning and another at night. After eating, take two tablets of Sidh Makardhwaj Vati with gold: one in the morning and one at night.
All of the above, ideally with water or warmed milk.
Additionally, spend 2 to 4 minutes three times a week applying and messaging Shri Gopal tail to your penis.
Steer clear of alcohol, tobacco, junk food, greasy and spicy foods, stress, and anxiety.
Begin engaging in aerobic workouts, brisk walking, or running for at least half an hour each day.
Start doing yoga, pranayama, meditation, Vajroli mudra. Do kegel exercises and Ashwini mudra for at least half an hour daily.
Start taking hot milk twice a day.
Try taking 2-3 dates in the morning and night with milk for better results.
Follow the above-recommended course of action for three months to observe the effects.
Please consult a reputable sexologist or your family physician if the results are not satisfactory.
For the treatment of premature ejaculation in India, schedule an online consultation with Kayakalp International Clinics in Mumbai, India, which has the best ayurvedic sexologists in the country.