Over the past years, there has been a load of research on the influence of the family of an adolescent on their sexual health behaviors and outcomes. Studies show that adolescents in married and biological two-parent families are less likely to engage in unprotected sex when compared to adolescents that come from single parents, cohabiting stepfathers and married stepfather families.
What is sexually risk behavior?
Risky sexual behavior in adulthood is the description of the activity that will increase the probability that a person engaging in sexual activity with another person infected with a sexually transmitted infection will be infected or become pregnant, or make a partner pregnant.
In fact, irrespective of whether it is a low, middle or high-income country, adolescents raised in single-parent households gave an increased probability of both early sexual debut and pregnancy. While the family structure has been suggested to have an indirect effect on adolescent sexual behavior, parent-child interactions and processes are believed to have a more direct impact on such behaviors. For instance, closer parent-adolescent relationships and greater parental support and monitoring have been shown across multiple contexts to reduce adolescents’ engagement in sexual risk behaviors.
Additionally, greater parent-child communication (especially related to sexual and reproductive health) has been associated with greater protection and less sexual risk. Yet, depending on the context, the influence of parent-child communication on adolescent sexual health outcomes varies. For example, while a study conducted among four African countries found that parent-child communication about sexual activity was associated with delayed sexual debut among female adolescents, studies in other settings have found the opposite to be true, especially among males.
Families, where violence is normalized, might even impact a child to try to use those observations while engaging in sex in the future.
In one of the studies that I read, I learnt that a child’s personality is built in the first 7-9 years of their life but this time also includes the time when they were as young as a fetus. When a pregnant engages in sex, one that’s too rough can impact the child’s outlook on sex in the future. In the study I read, this turned out to be the reason why a 34-year-old man was incapable of consummating the marriage even 5 years into it.
Sex is a big part of anyone’s life regardless of their sexuality. It is necessary that we become aware of it and try a sex-positive outlook on life.
How to avoid or solve this issue of sexual behavior in adulthood –
- Always make time for your adolescents; talk about sex and its responsibilities.
- Avoid any kind of harmful sight, fights, argument that can take impact on your child.
- Be your child’s guiding person who he or she can rely on.
- Educate them about the changes occurring during adolescents.
- Educate them about sexually transmitted diseases.
- Keep a family meal time at least one time a day.
- The more you are friend with your adolescent, the more your child is likely to have a safe satisfied happy sexual as well as mentally peaceful life.
If you find any difficulty regarding your sex life, feel free to ask for help with an expert.
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